YouTube content creators are in for a treat, with the platform offering to pay anywhere between USD 100 and USD 10,000 for their videos on the company’s TikTok-rival Shorts. The company has reportedly launched a USD 100 million YouTube Shorts Fund to be distributed over 2021-2022.
The new fund will aid in the development of a monetization strategy for YouTube Shorts and is open to all creators who match the fund's qualifying criteria and is not limited to only those in the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).
The Google-owned company has established a set of conditions for creators to be eligible for monetization of their Shorts. It requires at least one Shorts upload in the last 180 days. There should be no watermarks or logos from other social media sites in the videos.
Non-original content and videos re-uploaded from other creators' channels will likewise be disregarded by YouTube. The company has not yet disclosed the number of views required to be eligible for the Shorts fund. The firm itself would contact the creators they believe are fit for the program.
Finally, creators must be at least 13 years old in the United States or have reached the age of majority in their respective countries.
The payout would depend on the number of views and engagement the creators receive on their Shorts. Starting this month, the YouTube Shorts fund would be available in Indonesia, Nigeria, Japan, India, Brazil, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and South Africa.
In addition, YouTube also teamed up with the popular boy band BTS for a Shorts challenge based on its new single, ‘Permission to Dance’. BTS will release a compilation of their favorite Shorts when the competition ends on August 14th.
This move by the platform is likely to add to the popularity of Shorts and boost adoption with younger users.
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Akshay holds a Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Despite having a penchant for software development and the like, Akshay took to writing as a career owing to his passion for the field. Presently, Akshay writes articles for and a few oth...
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