The tracking system would detect stolen mobile phones, even if the IMEI number is changed or the SIM card is removed.
DoT (The Department of Telecommunications) recently announced the launch of a technology solution to enable detection of stolen or lost mobile phones, that are operating in India, cite sources.
For the record, in 2018, there were approximately 1.16 billion mobile subscribers in India & only in Bengaluru, 200 mobile phones went missing. Since 2016, the stolen or missing mobile phone count has gone up to 2.43 lakhs.
As per sources close to the matter, the new tracking system is expected to detect stolen mobiles phones even if the IMEI number is changed or the SIM card has been removed. The C-DoT (Centre for Development of Telematics) is ready with the technology & the service is expected to be launched soon. After the Parliament session, the telecom department will approach ministers for the launch of the tech solution.
Reportedly, the IMEI databases of all operators will be compiled & kept confidential. This technique will allow network operators to share all mobile terminals and remain connected throughout. This way, the device in one category cannot be used as another, even if the SIM card is replaced. It has not been assured that the missing cellphones will be found, but the lack of usability will inhibit access of personal information. Protection of consumer interests & aiding law enforcement authorities will be carried forward.
As per credible sources, DoT had assigned the mobile phone tracking project to CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register), to bring down the number of counterfeit mobile handsets & discourage theft. The govt. has planned to allocate Rs 15 crore for the Central Equipment Identity Register project that will discourage theft & bring down the number of forged handsets.
The Central Equipment Identity Register system will block all services on lost or stolen mobile phones, even if the unique IMEI number is changed or the SIM card in the phone is removed.
Akshay holds a Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. Despite having a penchant for software development and the like, Akshay took to writing as a career owing to his passion for the field. Presently, Akshay writes articles for and a few oth...
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